Since January 2020 we heard about the new virus outbreak in china, but we don’t really know that it will strike our public health system in March 2020. Our greatest challenge was to limit the spread of covid-19 in our facility by creating awareness among the healthcare workers and the patients, about the virus, its spread, precautionary measures etc. We adapt our process to overcome these challenges by spending extra hours to teach our staff, how to screen, isolate, admit, transport the suspected and confirmed covid19 patients as limited resources were available at that time. Our greatest success in implementing COVID-19 guidance was improved awareness/knowledge of the healthcare workers about infection control practices and increase the number of isolation rooms in critical care areas. We made an unexpected partnership with ministry of health (K.S.A) to receive the covid-19 patients without any insurance or cash. At that time I was in the preparatory stage of certification process, which helps me to understand how really we can successfully control the pandemic situations effectively. I would like to honor to my colleagues, infection control director, medical director and general manger because of their full support during pandemic to fulfill the requirements.
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